Delaware Valley Section has two media for spreading news about the Section.
- This web site has news releases and articles posted under News.
- Our Email List
The Chair’s Blog replaces the Chairman’s Chat that appeared in the Newsletter.
We no longer publish a paper Newsletter. Copies of recent past Newsletters are posted on this web site. We regularly send announcements of events, last minute changes, and other information about the Section to our email list. If you are not already a member of our AIChE Philly/DVS mailing list you may request a free subscription by clicking here.
LOCAL DUES Information (Check the Box!)
Most AIChE members renew their AIChE annual membership in the fourth quarter. We would like to encourage you to CHECK THE BOX to renew your membership in the local Delaware Valley Section. In these trying economic times, your local section offers your best opportunity to network with colleagues in a relaxed environment and at a low price with minimum travel. The DVS is one of the largest and most active local AIChE sections in the country. Planned events include local plant tours, the annual CEO lecture, the student awards, student resume/interview workshops and many others. A complete list of events planned for each year is in this newsletter and posted on this website. DVS section members receive a discount on each monthly event and students/recent graduates receive a special low rate. Don’t miss out. Membership in the local section is critical to the continued success of our section and is a key networking tool for your career.
To help everyone remember to join the DVS section, in 2008 we launched the ” CHECK THE BOX ” campaign. CHECK THE BOX on your Membership Dues Invoice to ensure you sign up as a member of the DVS section. On the online form (available at www.aiche.org under the “Join AIChE” tab you need to fill in “DVS- Delaware Valley $15,” in Section 5B. If you have recently moved, you will need to CHECK THE BOX for DVS (not your previous section) to be a member of this section. Your dues support section programming and the student awards to recognize the outstanding members of chemical engineering’s next generation.
It is also possible to join the DVS without joining the AIChE National. We have made it easier than ever to choose this option by registering online and paying the $15 DVS only membership using PayPal. You will be able to enjoy all of the privileges of membership in the DVS.
So CHECK THE BOX on the national membership form or select the DVS membership only option to enjoy the privileges of membership. Thank you for participating in the Delaware Valley Section of AIChE and I look forward to seeing you at DVS events.