November 2020
Fellow Chemical Engineers,
If you just woke up and noticed it was November, you missed two great October Events.
Our technical program consisted of a PDH on Mixing, while our general interest program showed how to use your emotional intelligence to advance your career (and a few other things…..).
November is going to be another exciting month with these two virtual events:
Technical – Dust Explosion Fundamentals and Protection on November 17
General Interest – Ask Me Anything on November 30
So sign up as soon as you can.
Again, if you are still unsure if you are a chemical engineer, perhaps these will provide clues:
- You have ever thought about how coffee changes color in the body.
- You try to explain entropy to strangers at your table during casual dinner conversation.
- You stare at an orange juice container because it says: ‘concentrate’.
“See” you at our events.
October 2020
We opened our year with a fine PDH on Pneumatic Conveying by Timothy Bell, PE.
In October, we have two virtual events lined up:
- PDH event on Mixing and Drying by Dr. Dirk Jakobs
- Career Planning – The Emotionally Intelligent Leader by Kevin Cheesebrough
And, in November, we have an interesting event targeted to our students at our four local universities.
Stay tuned…..
So, for those reading this and are unsure if they are chemical engineers, here are a few clues:
- You know who invented Jell-O.
- You’ve considered installing a scrubber on your home chimney.
- You carry on a one hour debate over the expected results of a test that only takes 5 minutes to run….
So, if you pass the above test, we look forward to you joining us for one or both of our virtual sessions.
“See” you there.

September 2020
Hi, my name is Chris Sowa and I have the honor of serving as your Chair for the upcoming year.
Along with me stand 24 other talented and motivated members of our local section board and together we have mapped out an interesting year for all of you.
I say “interesting” because this pandemic has caused us to rethink and retool our meetings and engagements for the year.
We are starting the year with all virtual meetings. The exception will be our CEO Dinner at the Union League on May 19, 2021. Jeff Warmann has agreed to speak and we look forward to this exciting and signature event.
In keeping with our service to the professional engineering community, we have monthly PDH sessions scheduled.
In addition, we are planning an array of speakers to address the general needs of our members from career and financial planning to green energy topics.
Finally, we continue to serve our academic members with annual awards and several other virtual events.
We hope you can join us for one or many of these events. Participation will be a ‘low activation energy’ activity, just a click of a mouse away, joining from the comfort of your home.
Now, if you are not sure you are a chemical engineer, you might be one if:
- You have a favorite pump manufacturer.
- You can size a distillation column in your head but need a pencil and paper to figure out the tip on a $45 restaurant bill…….and you think that spending $45 for dinner is exorbitant.
- You can remember seven computer passwords, ……but not your anniversary.
So, if you meet (or exceed) the above description, we gladly welcome you to our events!!!
I would like to end with two requests for all our members.
- First, please take the time to invite one of your co-workers to a local section meeting or event. It is a great way to connect with your fellow chemical engineers and to find out what is going on in your field close to home.
- Second, find the time to do a random act of kindness for someone around you. While the person on the receiving end will be pleased, I guarantee an excellent return on investment for you too.

It was delightful to see your name in the AIChE driver’s seat during pandemic. No better person offering creativity and guidance to DVS.
I will always recall your willingness, drive, and tenacity in putting DVS back on the rails in possibly 1993-1997.
It took a concerted effort in early going just to get a speaker and dinner planned at our Villinova conference room. Then came Doug Kriebel and his timely newsletters. Truly there were between 10 and 20 of us gathering and planning with everybody but Cy Spilling (RIP) willing to take on a part. Then we did it again by adding plant tours. I most recall having no problem getting into a couple pharmaceutical plants or Otto Pfeffercorn setting up a tour at his place of emplyment.
Chris, hopefully many of the folks you and I worked so diligently with are still by your side (Ashid??). Turnover leadership at September meeting?
Chris, funny thing, I started this afternoon by looking to purchase Tasty Cakes. Then sidetracked! In closing, thanks for sending me gift of Tasty Cakes in late 90s.