Apr. 10, 2008

Annual DVS Student Awards Banquet

Please plan to attend the Student Awards Banquet on April 10.   We will be awarding the Student of the Year Awards to Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors from the universities in our region; and the Zeisberg Awards.  We will also recognize the Sophomore Academic Excellence Award (formerly Othmer Award) winner at the Banquet.  Please join your colleagues in industry and academia to recognize and honor the effort of our students.


Dr. Brian Lefevbre, Assistant Professor
Rowan University
Nadia Adawi, President and Founder
Philadelphia Fry-o-Diesel

Topic: Biofuels: The Future of Energy
Date: Thursday April 10, 2008

5:30 PM – Reception
6:30 PM – Dinner Buffet

7:30 PM – Speakers and Award Ceremony


Place: University of Pennsylvania
Levine Hall
3330 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Wu and Chen Auditorium on the First Floor
Driving Directions to Penn

Location of Levine Hall

Access to Levine Hall
Buffet Menu:

Field Greens with Julienne of Carrots, Colby Cucumber and Plum Tomato with Choice of Dressing
Grilled Vegetable Medley with Sweet Basil and Balsamic & Clover Honey Reduction
Sautéed Breast of Chicken ala Franchase served in a Finis Herb Sauce with White Wine and Lemon Zest
Rice Pilaf with Wild Mushrooms
Tri Color Harvest Julienne Vegetables with Fresh Tarragon
Freshly Baked Gourmet Rolls and Butter
New York Cheese Cake and Tira Misu
Soda, Spring and Sparkling Waters
Coffee, Tea and Decaf Coffee

Cost: Free for Student Award Winners
$30.00 per person
$10.00 per student
Reservation Deadline:
Please confirm your attendance no later than Friday April 4, 2008.
Registration Details:

For questions please contact Zenaida Gephardt at gephardtzo@rowan.edu.