AIChE-DVS offers a series of talks on technical topics. These 60 minute sessions will be planned to qualify for one hour Professional Development Credit.
A preliminary season schedule of the sessions is given below. Further details for specific meetings are posted, with links on this web page, when timely.
In-person evening sessions include a buffet dinner, and price offerings usually include $30 for DVS Members and $35 for non-DVS Members. An option to attend virtually is usually offered, with a price of $15. One (1) PDH is provided toward PE and other certification accreditation.
We offer these sessions at our usual locations in Conshohocken, PA (with kind permission of Jacobs Engineering) or in Newark, DE (with kind permission of KBR Inc). Occasional sessions will be held at other locations. These talks will be arranged on different dates, and may be on different topics.
We always appreciate suggestions for topics and presenters. If you have a suggestion, please go to our Continuing Education Suggestions page.
Access descriptions of some of our past events on the CE Archive page.
Continuing Education Program 2024-2025
Please note that this schedule might be subject to change closer to the date of the event.
Wednesday September 18 online | Norman Lieberman Crude Fractionation and Steam Stripping |
Tuesday October 15 online | Pamela Canjura Gas to Liquid Reaction Fundamentals for Engineers |
Tuesday December 3 online | Roger Turner Solving the Puzzle of Rare Earth Metals |
Tuesday January 21 KBR or online | Robert Moser Application of Process Safety Management to Simple Process Systems |
Tuesday February 18 KBR or online | Krysten Minnici Non-Metallic Additive Manufacturing Overview and Case Studies |
March | TBD |
April | Timothy Bell Specific topic to be announced |
Monday May 12 | Deborah Grubbe Corporate Ethics: What History Can Teach Us? |
Thursday May 22 | Zenaida Gephardt Ethics Constructs and Ethics Analysis in Calculations and Designs |
Wednesday May 28 | Deborah Grubbe and Zenaida Gephardt Ethics Overview and Discussion |